This is a magazine/adventure, that's to say 90% of the work is the adventure and the other 10% is set aside for typical RPG magazine contents, but relevant to the adventure. In this you get; An article called "Defender's of the Faith" about the motivation of clerics (6pages), a mini-adventure "The Moment of Truth" (5 pages), details of the town of Tirhalter which forms part of Gamesmaster Publications' Pelinore Campaign (4 pages) and finally news, letters, and reviews.
On to the scenario itself ...
This adventure is a great mystery which the PC's are asked to solve once it is discovered that Feyr-Panniras was poisoned. The PC's travel from town to town chasing the clues and tracking down the members of Feyr-Panniras's party. Sometimes events at a location will be determined by the order in which they choose to pursue the clues. Eventually the clues lead to the land of the Priest-Kings themselves. This is a clever scenario and questions like, "Why couldn't they just cast a cure poison on him?" are satisfactorily answered.
The beauty of a multi-location story is that it offers a change of scenery for the PC's and enables them to face a wider range of tests. It also allows you as a DM to throw in extra encounters a little more easily. Add to this the fact that this is a well written module and you have the makings of a great story. If I had one complaint it is that the maps are a little neglected and on a few pages I thought some of the art work could have been reduced in size while the maps were increased.
The only difficulty might be fitting it into an existing campaign as the New Gods are based in a separate country and have to be gods of emotions as that theme is central to the scenario. As it is the module can be played as part of the Pelinore (GM's own campaign setting) or Zhalindor (Tortured Souls' campaign setting) campaigns. I set mine in the Forgotten Realms in the southern part of the Sea of Fallen Stars where the coastline seemed to fit well. |